An abdominal bulge can be frustrating. A healthy lifestyle can’t lift loose skin or repair separated abdominal muscles no matter how hard you try. Correcting these issues requires a tummy tuck. This surgery can remove loose skin and tighten muscles to achieve a slimmer, more sculpted abdomen. 

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure to remove loose skin, tighten the abdominal muscles, and sculpt the abdominal area. It often uses a combination of surgery and liposuction to achieve a contoured, firmer abdomen. A tummy tuck can address the results of pregnancy, weight significant weight loss, or other factors

Tummy Tuck Boston

How Does a Tummy Tuck Work?

Your LPS surgeon may begin with liposuction to remove fat and provide body contouring. They will use an incision low on the abdomen to remove excess skin and tighten what remains. They will also access the abdominal muscles, which can become separated during pregnancy or from other causes, and repair them. 

Am I a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

If you have loose abdominal skin or a bulge that you have tried to get rid of, you may make a good candidate for a tummy tuck. This procedure is usually performed on people whose abdominal skin and muscles have been strained and cannot restore themselves without help. If you have excess abdominal fat without loose skin or muscle involvement, we may recommend that you try other types of body contouring. If you are planning on becoming pregnant at some point in the future, you may want to wait to have your tummy tuck since pregnancy will likely undo your results. 

Tummy Tuck Consultations Available

What is Recovery Like After a Tummy Tuck?

During the first few days after surgery, you will have some discomfort that can be managed with medication. Swelling should start to resolve after a few weeks. Some people will return to work within a week or two, but some people may still feel uncomfortable and will take up to four weeks to start feeling up to resuming normal activities. Scars can take several months to a year to flatten and fade. 

What Results Will I See After a Tummy Tuck?

You will notice a difference immediately after surgery, but your complete results will not become visible until the swelling starts to resolve in several weeks. Total recovery can take several months, and your results will continue to improve during this time. You will see a flatter, tighter abdomen without the loose skin or abdominal bulge that bothered you in the past.

I was recommended to Dr. Morris through my doctor at BID-Needham. Due to prior surgeries, I had some issues and Dr. Morris is the best. He has done a fantastic job with my abdomen core and I feel and look fantastic.

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning about a tummy tuck? Schedule your consultation with Longwood Plastic Surgery today by calling our Brookline office at (617) 383-6250. We serve the Brookline and Greater Boston area with distinction.