A flat stomach—it’s often considered the holy grail that defines being in shape. People spend hours in the kitchen and at the gym to shape and tone their abdomen, and when those efforts don’t produce the slender profile we hope for, it can be frustrating. We’re really hard on ourselves, not realizing certain anatomical realities are not our fault. We can, however, fix those realities, and the team at Longwood Plastic Surgery is ready to help.

*Individual Results May Vary
How is a Tummy Tuck Performed?
The purpose of a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is to repair abdominal muscles that have separated—a condition called diastasis rectus—due to no fault of our own. A tummy tuck will also remove excess fatty tissue and skin. It’s true: your stomach not being flat despite your best efforts may be caused by diastasis rectus. No exercise or super-food in the world could fix this issue.
Your LPS specialist may recommend a tummy tuck if you’ve experienced abdominal muscle weakening and separation—often due to pregnancy—or have excess skin due to significant weight loss. The procedure itself can be customized to your unique situation. A mini-abdominoplasty may be possible if only the muscles or skin of the lower abdomen are affected. A more standard abdominoplasty is performed to correct concerns near the umbilicus, and an extended abdominoplasty is necessary to achieve corrections of the upper abdomen. Your Longwood Plastic Surgery surgeon will cover which type of tummy tuck is most suited for your physique.
Your procedure may begin with liposuction if you’ve elected to remove excess fatty tissue in the abdominal region. Then, a horizontal incision is made just above the pubis. Your LPS surgeon will then carefully separate the skin of your abdomen from the muscle layer beneath and use sutures to tighten and re-anchor the separated and weakened abdominal muscles. Once your muscles are repaired, excess skin is removed, your belly button is positioned correctly, and your incision is closed.
Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?
Abdominoplasty is helpful for men and women alike. The best candidates are those in good general health who are unhappy with the protrusion of their stomach or have loose skin concerns. Abdominoplasty is not a weight loss solution, therefore the ideal candidate will also be at their ideal weight.
A tummy tuck is particularly beneficial for women whose pregnancies have weakened their abdominal muscles. Your comprehensive consultation with an LPS specialist can tell you more about what abdominoplasty techniques are ideal for your physique.
What is the Abdominoplasty Recovery Like?
Patients likely experience the most discomfort in the first few days after the procedure, and your LPS surgeon can help alleviate this with prescription pain management. The tummy tuck is a fairly extensive procedure since it involves the abdominal muscles, and as such, most patients require 2 weeks of recovery before returning to work. It’s normal not to feel quite like yourself for even a couple of months following your tummy tuck.
As the swelling subsides and your tissues settle into their new position in the following weeks, you’ll begin to feel better and more like you did before the procedure. Following all aftercare instructions will help you minimize the risk of complications and improve your overall recovery.
What Results Can I Expect?
Once your healing is well underway, you’ll have a measurable improvement to the shape and flatness of your stomach. Your skin will be tighter, and often, stretch marks you had due to pregnancy are gone. Clothing is more flattering, and you’ll find yourself happier with your reflection. You’ll develop a better self-image, and your boosted confidence will have a positive ripple effect on other aspects of your life and relationships.
Some Longwood Plastic Surgery patients say their tummy tuck was the best decision they’ve ever made!
“Dear Dr. Morris, I truly cannot thank you enough, not only for your extreme generosity and waving my surgery fees, but for being able to fix something that has been such a huge insecurity of mine for the past 20+ years. My note was a relatively involved/difficult surgery and I am so grateful to you for doing it for me.* “
Take the Next Step
Interested in learning about a tummy tuck? Schedule your consultation with Longwood Plastic Surgery today by calling our Brookline office at (617) 383-6250. We serve the Brookline and Greater Boston area with distinction.