Are Overly Prominent Ears Giving You Grief?

Enjoy your New Shape with More Natural-Looking Ears!

Ear surgery, or otoplasty, is usually done to set prominent ears back closer to the head or to reduce the size of large ears. Other ear deformities can also be treated surgically. With over 40-years of combined experience, the board-certified surgeons at Longwood Plastic Surgery have helped numerous patients (both young and old) achieve more natural-looking ears through advanced surgical techniques.

How Does Ear Pinning Surgery Work?

Most patients have their procedure done at our private surgical facility under either general or sedation anesthesia. Ear surgery usually takes between one to three hours. The specific techniques used will depend on the problem. Your board-certified surgeon will speak with you about all of your options in-depth at the time of your initial consultation. Longwood Plastic Surgery prides itself on providing individualized patient-centric care for everyone who walks through our door.

With one of the more common techniques, the surgeon makes a small, well-hidden incision in the back of the ear to expose the ear cartilage. He or she will then sculpt the cartilage and bend it back toward the head. Non-removable stitches may be used to help maintain the new shape. Occasionally, the surgeon will remove a larger piece of cartilage to provide a more natural-looking fold when the surgery is complete.

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Consultations Available Now

Take the first step. Get your questions answered and find out which treatment option is best for you by meeting with one of our knowledgeable medical staff at Longwood Plastic Surgery for an in-person consultation.

Simply fill out the form on this page, and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.

Am I a Good Candidate for Ear Pinning Surgery?

Most patients, young and old alike, are thrilled with the results of ear surgery. But keep in mind, the goal is improvement, not perfection. Don’t expect both ears to match perfectly – perfect symmetry is both unlikely and unnatural in ears. If you’ve discussed the procedure and your expectations with the surgeon before the operation, chances are, you’ll be able to benefit from ear pinning surgery.

LPS also offers other earlobe procedures including repair of split earlobes from earrings and earlobe shortening. We remove keloids from earlobes as well. Speak with your surgeon about what’s right for you at the time of your initial consult.

What Results Will I See?*

Initial results from ear pinning surgery can be seen right away. The ears will have been angled backward slightly to give them more natural contours and improve upon your overall facial appearance. Although your new ears will continue to settle for upwards of 6-months, most patients are pleased with the results of their procedure almost immediately.

What is the Recovery Like?*

This procedure is done as a day surgery on an outpatient basis. The patient’s head will be wrapped in a bulky bandage immediately following surgery to promote the best molding and healing. The ears may throb or ache a little for a few days, but this can be relieved by medication. Within a few days, the bulky bandages will be replaced by a lighter head dressing similar to a headband.

Be sure to follow your surgeon’s directions for wearing this dressing, especially at night. Stitches are usually removed or will dissolve, in about a week. Any activity in which the ear might be bent should be avoided for a month or so. Most adults can go back to work about five days after surgery.

Take the First Step – Request A Consultation

If you would like to schedule an in-person consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call (617)383-6250 and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Longwood Plastic Surgery will reach out to you promptly.

Longwood Plastic Surgery serves Brookline, MA and the greater Boston area.

*Individual Results May Vary


“Dr. Morris–I just wanted to thank you for the great job you did on my surgery. It was exactly what I wanted and they actually look better than I thought they would…I am lucky someone recommended your name to me and I will do the same.” * -AB

AB, Happy Patient

*Individual Results May Vary