As miraculous as pregnancy and childbirth can be, many women find it difficult to accept the toll it takes on their bodies. A mother may love nursing her babies, but she may not love how nursing affects her breasts. A mom may cherish her baby bump photos without liking the aftermath of pregnancy on the skin of her stomach. Longwood Plastic Surgery can help with a Mommy Makeover. Restore your pre-pregnancy figure in one procedure with one recovery period.
How Does a Mommy Makeover Work?
What is exactly a Mommy Makeover? It’s whatever you need it to be, but the general definition of a Mommy Makeover is a personalized combination of cosmetic surgery procedures to reduce the effects pregnancy and childbirth have on a mother’s body. They’re performed simultaneously, so patients face a single recovery period, which for some women, is a requirement with a busy home life and children to look after.
Some of the most commonly performed procedures during a Mommy Makeover include:
These procedures are designed to give mothers back the confidence they had in their figures before having children. A mommy makeover works by lifting and restoring breast shape, symmetry, and size, flattening the tummy, removing excess skin and stubborn pockets of fat, and/or repairing diastasis, which are all common issues as a result of childbirth. Your LPS surgeon can discuss your chosen procedures in detail to ensure you’re ready to move forward with your customized Mommy Makeover.
How Long is Recovery from a Mommy Makeover?
It may surprise you to learn that having multiple cosmetic enhancement procedures at one time doesn’t significantly change the length of your recovery. When considering how much recovery time you’ll face, you only need to look at the recovery time for your most extensive procedure.
If you’re having a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), you may need a pretty lengthy convalescence period because your LPS surgeon will ensure your abdominal muscles are tightened, which may require 2-3 weeks or longer of healing. Patients who skip the abdominoplasty and choose liposuction and breast enhancement may only need 2 weeks of recovery before they’re feeling like themselves again.
Whatever your combination of treatments, your new figure will emerge after only a single recovery period. You’re back on your feet in no time.
Am I a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?
The most suitable candidates for a Mommy Makeover are 3-6 months beyond the birth of their last child and 6+ months beyond nursing if breast procedures are under consideration. If you’re not quite finished adding to your family, it may be best to delay your Mommy Makeover until your family is complete. A comprehensive consultation at Longwood Plastic Surgery can tell you if you’re ready to take the next step in your Mommy Makeover journey.
What Results Can I Expect from a Mommy Makeover?
Your Mommy Makeover results will entirely depend on your combination of procedures. For women who include breast augmentation, you’ll immediately notice increased volume in your breasts.
Some of the other body contours, such as those with liposuction or other enhancements, will become more obvious after post-surgical swelling reduces, around 2-4 weeks. Your tissues may require time to settle fully into your new physique, so your improvements may be noticeable for up to 1 year.
Motherhood is one of the most fulfilling undertakings a woman can have in her lifetime, but no rulebook says you have to live with the changes pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing have made to your body. With Longwood Plastic Surgery, you’re one step closer to the figure you had before bringing your babies into the world.
Take the Next Step
Interested in learning about a Mommy Makeover? Schedule your consultation with Longwood Plastic Surgery today by calling our Brookline office at (617) 383-6250. We serve the Brookline and Greater Boston area with distinction.