Sagging skin can happen at any age. Determining the best procedure, or combination of procedures, requires proper consideration. The board-certified physicians at Longwood Plastic Surgery specialize in complete facial rejuvenation, including sagging jowls.

Liposuction removes isolated pockets of fat resistant to traditional diet and exercise. It cannot significantly improve sagging skin, so patients with good skin elasticity will benefit most from this standalone procedure. Long-lasting results are possible in patients who maintain a stable weight.
Most patients can return to work after one week of recovery. Although you’ll see an immediate change in your appearance, the final contour will be visible after about three months – once any swelling has subsided.
A facelift is a straightforward procedure that tightens sagging skin and facial tissue, removing wrinkles and giving you a smoother, more youthful appearance. Since no two patients age the same, an array of facelift options are available to provide customized solutions for each patient. The area you are most concerned with addressing will contribute to which type of facelift you choose.
Most patients recover fully in 6-8 weeks. This time can vary depending on your overall health. Optimal results are typically visible within 3-4 months.
Neck Lift
Addressing a wrinkled or sagging neck can dramatically improve your appearance, even without making any changes to your face. A neck lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that produces a tighter, more defined neckline. A cervicoplasty is performed to remove excess skin, whereas a platysmaplasty tightens loose neck muscles.
Depending on your individual goals, one or both procedures may be used by our board-certified physicians to restore a smoother appearance to your neck. While a neck lift doesn’t stop the aging process entirely, your results are long-lasting.
Can I Combine Procedures?
While any one of these procedures can offer comprehensive results, choosing only one may not achieve your desired results. For a more comprehensive rejuvenation, the team at Longwood Plastic Surgery may recommend some combination of these procedures. In these cases, you can expect a natural-looking contour across the jawline into the lower face and reduced recovery time.
Is There a Non-Surgical Option Available?
Some patients may want to consider noninvasive procedures, such as Kybella.
A non-surgical injectable, Kybella is FDA-approved to target fat cells in the lower chin and neck areas. Once these fat cells are broken down, they are naturally removed from the body. Treatments are administered by Kybella-trained specialists and take less than 30 minutes.
Kybella injections treatments are ideal for patients who want to avoid surgery and have excess neck fat under the chin. Patients should understand that, unlike surgical approaches, results can take up to six months and may require multiple treatments before being realized.
What’s Right for Me?
The best way to determine which procedure, or combination of procedures, is right for you is to schedule a consultation with Longwood Plastic Surgery. During your consultation, our team will help you choose a treatment plan based on your expectations, desired outcome, and medical history.
Take the Next Step
If you would like to schedule an in-person consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call (617) 383-6250 and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Longwood Plastic Surgery will reach out to you promptly.
Longwood Plastic Surgery serves Brookline, MA and the greater Boston area.