The facelift is one of the most trusted procedures to take years off your appearance. Many people are hesitant to undergo one because of concerns regarding recovery and discomfort. Your Longwood Plastic Surgery physician will be there to guide you through every step, so you can look your best for years to come.

Facelift Boston

How Does a Facelift Work?

Facelifts today are significantly advanced compared to those in the past. Results are much more natural because not just the skin is tightened. Your facial anatomy is unique, so how your muscles move during facial expressions are critical to retaining your most striking features while improving signs of age. The SMAS layer of musculature in the lower half of the face can weaken and sag just like skin and fatty tissues. 

During a facelift, your LPS surgeon makes incisions in the natural creases around your ears and beneath your chin to disguise them. Next, your muscles are repositioned and anchored to improve their structural integrity and youthful placement. Fatty tissues around your mouth and jawline are removed. Then excess skin is removed before your incisions are closed. The result is improved facial contouring that highlights your natural beauty and not your years.

Am I a Good Candidate?

The best candidates for a facelift are healthy adults who feel their age shows too much. It’s common for patients in their 50s or 60s to seek a facelift, but LPS has successfully performed facelift procedures on patients in their 70s or even 80s. If a facelift could benefit you, a consultation with LPS is a great place to start.

What is Facelift Recovery Like?

A facelift is a surgical procedure so there is bound to be a recovery timeline. Below we segment and discuss the average stages for the facelift recovery process. Keep in mind that each patient’s case is unique and the recovery process can vary slightly between individuals. 

Facelift Consultations Available

Facelift Procedure Day 

Before your procedure, it’s perfectly normal to feel nervous and excited. Your procedure will be performed in our accredited surgery suite on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. You may awaken feeling unsteady and drowsy. Your head will be wrapped with bandages to protect your incisions and support your new facial contours. You’ll also receive thorough instructions for wound care, cold compresses, pain medication, and how to care for drains if present. Having a loved one assist you in the first 24 hours is recommended.

Facelift Week 1 Recovery

For the first few days, you’ll need plenty of rest. Sleep with your head elevated to improve circulation. You will feel swollen and bruised, but don’t panic. This is normal and should begin to diminish toward the end of this week. It’s a good idea to move around to reduce the risk of clots, but don’t overdo it. Your body needs energy to heal, making rest a crucial part of recovery. By the end of the week, if you feel well enough, light cooking or small household tasks are permitted.

Facelift Week 2 Recovery

You may have sutures removed this week, and fewer bandages. Most patients feel well enough to return to work between 10-14 days, though you will still have some visible swelling and bruising. Tingling, numbness, or tight skin is normal. If you’re up for it, short walks can improve your energy levels.

Facelift Weeks 3-4 Recovery

You should begin to feel pretty normal during this time, and your facelift results will become more pronounced. Resuming social engagements may be desired, and your visible recovery will be less obvious. Moderate exercise may feel invigorating and help with circulation.

It may take a few more months for your tissues to fully settle, but before long, you’ll enjoy the benefits your facelift brings—a happier, more energized emotional state to go with your more youthful appearance. Enhance your most striking features while turning back time with the talented surgeons at LPS.

I have been going to this facility for 2 years. The staff is top notch! The Doctors I have had dealings with have been nothing but professional, kind, and really care about me. I have many specialists (due to chronic Illness) and this office is by far the best!

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning about a facelift? Schedule your consultation with Longwood Plastic Surgery today by calling our Brookline office at (617) 383-6250. We serve the Brookline and Greater Boston area with distinction.