20 units of Botox injected into the frontalis, or the forehead area, by one of our skilled...Click here for more details
20 units of Botox injected into the frontalis, or the forehead area, by one of our skilled...Click here for more details
12 units of Botox injected at each crow’s feet, to alleviate the lines acquired around the eyes when...Click here for more details
12 units of Botox injected at each crow’s feet, to alleviate the lines acquired around the eyes when...Click here for more details
16 units of Jeuveau injected at the glabella, or the area between the eyes that some know better as the...Click here for more details
16 units of Jeuveau injected at the glabella, or the area between the eyes that some know better as the...Click here for more details
18 units of Jeuveau injected into the frontalis, to address the transverse lines along the forehead, that are developed when raising one’s...Click here for more details
18 units of Jeuveau injected into the frontalis, to address the transverse lines along the forehead, that are developed when raising one’s...Click here for more details
6 units of Botox injected at each crow’s feet, along with 24 units of Botox injected at the glabella; to achieve an overall more relaxed...Click here for more details
6 units of Botox injected at each crow’s feet, along with 24 units of Botox injected at the glabella; to achieve an overall more relaxed...Click here for more details
14 units of Botox injected into the frontalis by one of our skilled practitioners.Click here for more details
14 units of Botox injected into the frontalis by one of our skilled practitioners.Click here for more details
18 units of Botox injected at the glabella to alleviate lines established with squeezing the eyes...Click here for more details
18 units of Botox injected at the glabella to alleviate lines established with squeezing the eyes...Click here for more details
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