We may not think about our necks often, but this area can become an aesthetic problem for many people. If you have concerns about this area, you might consider neck liposuction or a neck lift. These procedures address concerns about the neck area in different ways to help you achieve your goals. 

Why Have Neck Liposuction or a Neck Lift?

If you look in the mirror and see loose skin or excess fat under your chin, you have options to achieve a slimmer, more sculpted neck. Many people have neck liposuction or a neck lift to improve their self-confidence. Loose skin will not resolve without treatment, and fat under the chin (submental fat) is challenging to remove. 

Neck Lift Boston

Neck Liposuction vs. Neck Lift: What’s the Difference?

Neck liposuction and neck lifts treat the same area but address different concerns. Only a consultation can determine which will work best for you. 

How Do They Work?

Neck liposuction works by using a thin cannula inserted through small incisions. The cannula breaks up and removes excess submental fat. A neck lift uses incisions around the ears and a small one under the chin to lift and tighten loose skin. Both are usually performed in our in-office accredited surgical facility under general anesthesia, although local anesthesia with sedation can be used in some cases. 

What Do They Treat?

Neck liposuction works to reduce your submental fat or double chin. Targeting fat cells gives you a more sculpted neck and chin. A neck lift targets loose or sagging skin around the neck area. Surgically tightening this skin provides effective results. Your surgeon may recommend combining these procedures since the skin does not always tighten naturally after liposuction. 

What is Recovery Like?

Recovery after neck liposuction typically lasts a few days. You may experience soreness, swelling, and bruising in the area that will improve significantly after the first week. The small incisions heal very quickly. A neck lift requires more recovery time. Most people return to work in one to two weeks. Swelling will improve within a few weeks, and most people can return to all their usual activities within about four weeks. 

Neck Liposuction and Neck Lift Consultations Available

Am I a Good Candidate for Neck Liposuction or a Neck Lift?

Good candidates for neck liposuction or a neck lift should be in overall good health. Ideal candidates for neck liposuction have submental fat but good skin elasticity. This elasticity allows the skin to tighten naturally after fat is removed. Ideal candidates for a neck lift have loose or sagging neck skin issues. Since many people have both problems, you may be a good candidate for a neck lift with liposuction. 

Dr. Morris–I just wanted to thank you for the great job you did on my surgery. It was exactly what I wanted and they actually look better than I thought they would…I am lucky someone recommended your name to me and I will do the same.

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning about neck lifts or neck liposuction? Schedule your consultation with Longwood Plastic Surgery today by calling our Brookline office at (617) 383-6250. We serve the Brookline and Greater Boston area with distinction.