While it’s not often talked about, men can have excess breast tissue which feminizes their chest. It can induce anxiety and insecurity, wreak havoc on self-esteem, and cause emotional distress. It’s called gynecomastia, and it can affect as many as 60% of men at various points in life. You don’t have to power through alone with Longwood Plastic Surgery in your corner. A male breast reduction may be the answer you need.
*Individual Results May Vary
How Does Male Breast Reduction Work?
So what causes gynecomastia? Several possible sources of excess breast tissue exist—genetics, hormone imbalance, medical conditions, and even certain medications. Aside from the mental distress, this excess breast tissue can be physically painful. A male breast reduction can alleviate gynecomastia, and there’s no one better to guide you through the procedure and its recovery than Longwood Plastic Surgery.
A male breast reduction removes excess fatty breast and glandular tissue while your LPS surgeon sculpts a masculine contour to your chest. A small incision is made around the areola on each side, through which the unwanted tissues are removed through a suction cannula (liposuction). The resulting scar, once healed, is very well camouflaged at the edge of your areola. In more serious cases where excess skin must be removed, a larger incision may be necessary and possible the nipples may have to be removed and replaced as skin grafts.
Am I a Good Candidate?
Patients undergoing gynecomastia surgery generally have better results when they’re relatively healthy and don’t smoke. Smoking interferes with proper wound healing. A breast reduction can alleviate physical pain as well as the mental anxiety gynecomastia induces, and LPS surgeons have treated both mild and severe gynecomastia. In cases where a breast reduction is deemed medically necessary, insurance may cover the procedure.
What is a Male Breast Reduction Procedure Like?
Your breast reduction is performed in the LPS accredited outpatient surgery suite, and as the procedure is outpatient, you should be able to begin recovering comfortably in your home the same day. The incisions are only as large as necessary to insert the cannula needed to remove your excess breast tissue. Once your surgeon is satisfied with the appearance of your new chest, you’ll be wrapped in a compression garment to help control swelling and keep the carefully sculpted tissues in place. Drains are sometimes necessary to relieve excess fluid buildup, and will likely be removed in 1-2 weeks. You’ll need to take it easy for 4-6 weeks, lifting nothing heavier than 20 pounds or raising your arms above shoulder height for the first week or two. Depending on your type of work, you may feel well enough to return to work after 1-2 weeks.
What Results Can a Male Breast Reduction Achieve?
Even with the compression garment, male breast reduction patients have seen immediate improvement to the contours of their chest. While some swelling may initially mask your results, as that subsides in the first 2 weeks, your new physique will become more obvious. Clothes will fit better, and you’ll likely experience a boost in self-confidence. Once you’re cleared for strenuous exercise, keeping to a healthy exercise routine can help maintain your sculpted results for years to come. Breast tissue doesn’t typically return, so once it’s gone, it’s really gone.
The Longwood Plastic Surgery team and our skilled and talented surgeons have helped many patients overcome gynecomastia for the chest results they’ve always wanted but couldn’t achieve through diet and exercise alone. If excess breast tissue has you hiding your frame in social or professional environments, harms your confidence, and limits your life, maybe it’s time to consider a male breast reduction with LPS.
Take the Next Step
Interested in learning about male breast reduction? Schedule your consultation with Longwood Plastic Surgery today by calling our Brookline office at (617) 383-6250. We serve the Brookline and Greater Boston area with distinction.