A woman’s breasts are a big part of her identity, and when time, age, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and gravity cause sagging, shape changes, and volume loss, it can really cause anxiety. The Longwood Plastic Surgery breast experts have a multitude of techniques to restore breast shape, size, and position, so you can have beautiful breasts that you can be proud of.
How Does a Breast Lift Work?
When the skin of the breasts begins to sag, volume is lost, or nipples begin to point downward rather than forward, it can really damage self-esteem. A breast lift at LPS is a comprehensive procedure designed to restore the breast profile to pleasing proportions, for a more balanced figure.
There are a variety of techniques to customize the procedure for individual patient concerns and anatomical features. Typically, incisions are made to access the breast tissue for repositioning. Excess skin is removed to tighten and shape the contours of the breast, and if necessary, the areola and nipples may be resized and better positioned to point forward instead of downward (a condition known as ptosis). The result is lifted breasts with an attractive shape that balances out your body’s proportions.
How Does Breast Augmentation Work?
Small breasts may be out of proportion in the breast-to-hip ratio and lacking forward projection, which can also lead to insecurity. Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures because it gives women control over their breast size and contour.
Breast augmentation is one of the most versatile procedures, too, because the options create quite the array of outcomes. These include saline or silicone implants, the shape of the implant itself, if the implant is placed above (subglandular) or below (submuscular) the pectoralis muscle, and how the implant is inserted. Incision placement is also a consideration, either around the areola, in the armpit, under the inframammary fold, or even through the belly button for a scarless final result. Each of these choices influences the overall result for natural, shapely breasts. Additionally, and alternatively to implants, some patients may benefit from fat injection into the breasts, harvested through liposuction of other body parts.
Am I a Good Candidate?
The choice for breast enhancement is incredibly personal, and women have a multitude of reasons for undergoing these procedures. If your breasts have begun to droop, lose volume, or you’re not happy with how pert they are, a breast lift with augmentation may be suited for you. Your LPS provider will help you understand the procedure during a thorough consultation. In some cases, it may be best to be sure you’ve completed your family before undergoing treatment.
Can a Breast Lift and Augmentation be Combined?
In quite a few cases, part of the reason breasts begin to droop is loss of volume. This can be related to age, pregnancy, or genetics, but the result is smaller breasts than one would like. Your LPS surgeon may recommend adding augmentation to your breast lift procedure to regain the lost volume (or exceed previous volume if that’s your desire). The procedures will be performed at the same time, usually as an outpatient surgery so you’re home and recovering the same day.
What Results Can I Expect?
The techniques used during your procedure, as well as the shape, type, and placements of your implants, have a lot of influence on the final result, so your breasts will be uniquely yours. It can take several months for the tissues and implants to fully settle into prime position, but you’ll have an immediate improvement to the size and shape of your breasts. As they heal, your scars should lighten considerably. Your overall proportional balance will be restored, and you’ll feel like a new and improved version of yourself.
Take the Next Step
Interested in learning about breast surgery? Schedule your consultation with Longwood Plastic Surgery today by calling our Brookline office at (617) 383-6250. We serve the Brookline and Greater Boston area with distinction.