Recovery from surgical procedures like facelifts is easier than ever these days. With the help of a skilled surgeon, incisions are placed in easily-concealable locations and are closed in a way that facilitates an optimal outcome with minimal bleeding, pain, and swelling. Our team of board-certified surgeons has over 40-years of combined experience performing cosmetic surgeries of all types.

Each facelift procedure at LPS is customized according to the patient’s individual aging pattern and facial anatomy for natural-looking results each and every time. No two surgeries or patients have the same amount of recovery. It’s important to closely follow your surgeon’s pre and post-operative instructions for a quick facelift recovery. Let’s take a look at a few things you can do at home.

Facelift Boston

#1: Plan Ahead

The absolute best thing you can do for a smooth recovery is some pre-planning. Even the most mundane task can feel difficult in the days after surgery. Schedule a friend or family member to drive you home after surgery and stay at your side for at least 24-48 hours. Your number one goal is rest and relaxation during this time.

Make sure the majority of your weekly tasks are taken care of ahead of time. You should also have childcare and pet care lined up for the weeks following your surgery. At the time of your initial consultation, your surgeon will provide you more in-depth information about how you can adequately plan for your surgery.

#2: Stop Smoking

Smoking and surgery do not mix. It’s recommended that patients who smoke should avoid doing so for a minimum of 2-weeks before surgery as well as the entire recovery process. Smoking reduces blood flow and can cause complications such as a higher risk of infection during your healing process.

Facelift Consultations Available

#3: Avoid Certain Medications

In most cases, any medication that is considered a blood-thinner is a no-no directly before or after surgery. This includes over-the-counter pain medications like aspirin and ibuprofen. Your surgeon will advise you on medications that you should and shouldn’t be taking.

#4: Stay Hydrated

Many patients are surprised to learn how important water consumption is before and after surgery. Water is essential to keeping skin happy and healthy. Following surgery, your surgeon may suggest drinking upwards of 8 cups of water or more to facilitate a quick and easy recovery.

#5: Don’t Push Yourself Too Soon

This is a biggie. While you may feel ready to get back to your normal routine as early as 5-10 days after facelift surgery, more strenuous activities should be put off for a bit longer. Pushing yourself too hard too soon can prolong the healing process and increase your risk for excessive scarring.

Dr. Morris is a very pleasant doctor. He takes the time to answer all questions. He is very compassionate. I would highly recommend him. He’s the Best!! The staff is also wonderful.

Take the Next Step

Would you like to learn more about Facelift procedures? To schedule an in-person consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call (617) 383-6250 and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Longwood Plastic Surgery will reach out to you promptly.

Longwood Plastic Surgery serves Brookline, MA and the greater Boston area.

*Individual results may vary.